A member asked:

Got gel cap "stuck" in throat. feels like it will not go down. it has been 15 hours. anything i can do? tried water, warm tea, bread, crackers & aloe vera juice

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Michael Wolfe answered

Specializes in Head & Neck Surgery

This : This is very common. It is unlikely that a pill will last in your throat for that long. They usually dissolve or finally pass. What happens is that the area where the pill was sitting becomes inflammed and edematous and that makes it feel like a lump in the throat. This can last hours to days. Severe blockage would lead to foods sticking, regurgitation of food back into the throat and mouth, severe pain as the esophagus strains against the blockage, and food can overflow in to the voice box area, causing choking and coughing. Sorry for your dicsomfort. I hope it is better.

Answered 1/23/2019



You : You may want to try cepacol anesthetic lozenges ( has Benzocaine in it) which is a mild topical anesthetic that will assist in your throat comfort. The fact that you are able to swallow bread and crackers argues against an impaction and more likely supports an irritative response created from abrasion of the gelcap against the sensory lining of your swallowing tube. If the symptoms do not begin to improve within 72-96 hours i would have an ENT take a look by mirror or fiberoptic exam to determine why the symptoms are persisting and treat appropriately.

Answered 6/27/2017



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