If : If you think you are having bloody vomit and stool, then you should be evaluated as soon as possible. Give your doctor a call. If you cannot get a hold of your doctor then you should go to the emergency room for testing. It could be anything from infection, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, to more serious causes such as an esophageal tear, bleeding ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, vascular malformation or bowel ischemia. Good luck!
Answered 10/3/2016
Go to a hospital: This is serious. You need to be seen immediately to be evaluated for GI bleeding.
Answered 11/27/2017
HOSPITAL NOW. : This sounds like a potential emergency with bleeding in your intestinal tract. A hospital is the safest place to go now.
Answered 2/22/2013
Medical emergency: Vomiting frank blood needs immediate medical attention.
Answered 10/31/2015
If : If a patient is vomiting blood and blood in the stool, it can be from several causes. A bleeding ulcer can cause vomiting blood and blood in the stool. If a patient is bleeding and feels weak, it may be from anemia. If a patient has "pockets" on the colon, it may be that the patient has diverticulosis, and bleeding from the diverticuli can occur. If a patient is having blood in their vomit and stool, they must be assessed immediately by a physician.
Answered 10/3/2016
Very worrisome: These symptoms are very worrisome and need to be evaluated as soon as possible by a physician. Bleeding should always, always be evaluated.
Answered 6/24/2018
Emergency evaluation: Vomiting frank blood is serious. This needs immediate attention.
Answered 10/31/2015
Hello. : Hello. If you are experiencing bloody emesis and blood in stool, it is important that you advise your doctor so that you can be evaluated. Colon polyps may not be the explanation for vomiting bright red blood.
Answered 10/3/2016
Go to a hospital: This is serious. You need to be seen immediately to be evaluated for GI bleeding.
Answered 6/10/2014
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