A member asked:

What is causing extreme anxitey attacks? i am depressed, get closterphobic in any crowds or small groups, even family, church, stores etc. i cry alot, can't concentrate. i am 48 and in very good physical health. i walk or run every day and have always had

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Your : Your anxiety goes hand in hand with your claustrophobia (which is an anxiety disorder in iteslf). It sounds like you need intensive psychiatric treatment which may or may not include medications. If you have not sought out a mental health professional you should do so right away. Look to your family for support and help. All the best.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Barbara Lavi answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Have you tried: Psychotherapy? Both cognitive behavioral and insight oriented work may be needed. Medication may also help until psychotherapy can help you reduce the anxiety and fear of social situations.

Answered 11/28/2017


Dr. Mark Fisher answered

Specializes in Neurology

Hormonal?: Could you be in the early stages of menopause? That would suggest an organic cause of your anxitey, depression and closterphobia.

Answered 5/21/2016



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