A member asked:

I haven't had my period for 2 months i took 2 home pregnancy tests and both came back negative headaches, gas, bloated type of feeling, restlessness, change in hunger.

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. J Ricardo Loret De Mola answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

There : There are two possibilities in your case; one is that you are premenstrual (to explain current symptoms) and will menstruate in the next week or so (you just ovulated late this month), or simply did not ovulate this month/last month and that is why you have not had a period. This can happen to patients from time to time but it is unusual to go three months without menstruation for patients who otherwise menstruate every month like clockwork, and 6 months without one requires an investigation. So if three months go by, and your pregnancy test is negative you should seek help from your doctor. Hope this helps.

Answered 6/11/2017



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