A member asked:

I am 3 days late and took a pregnancy test , negative. i have been feeling very bloated without cramps but still no period. could i be pregnant?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Could be: If you had unprotected sex after your last period, you could be pregnant. You could get a blood test for HCG which would settle the issue now. Or you may repeat the pregnancy test in 5-7 days, unless you get a period by then. Use first morning urine and follow the instructions for the test carefully. If you do not wish to be pregnant, use contraception all the time, every time. You may consider implanted contraceptive, or IUD. Practice safe sex.

Answered 10/28/2020



Pregnancy test: Urine pregnancy tests these days are very accurate, when correctly performed. They also turn positive around the time of the anticipated menstrual period. A negative pregnancy test at this time indicated the absence of a pregnancy.

Answered 2/7/2016



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