A member asked:

What supplements help relieve menopause syptoms i am fatigued gained weight moody depressed is there something i can take that does not cost a fortune to help me i take vit d fish oil green tea muti vit im tired of being tired 50 years old and do

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

First : First off, symptoms of depressed mood, fatigue and weight gain are not necessarily due to menopause or perimenopause. I would ask your doctor to check your thyroid functions, as well as vitamin d and carnitine levels. Hypothyroidism, atypical depression or low levels of vitamin d or carnitine could cause symptoms similar to those. The root of the black cohosh plant is an herb which may be beneficial for hot flashes, but which should be avoided if there is liver illness. It is suggested that the lignans in flaxseed and flaxseed oil may help night sweats/ to obtain the most benefit from flaxseed oil, it should be cold grinded. The plant Estrogens in red clover may be helpful with mild menopausal symptoms but may be contraindicated in a woman with either breast or uterine cancer that is estrogen — positive. Dhea has been shown in some studies to be helpful with low sex drive and hot flashes but high or chronic doses may impact the risk of developing breast cancer. Although wild yams are reported to help with post menopausal symptoms and dong quai; a chinese herbal medicine; has been used to enhance female health, the benefits have not yet been born out with clinical studies. Soy is food which can be found in soy nuts, soy sprouts, tofu etc that has been shown in studies to help relieve hot flashes. This may be due to genistein in the soy plants. Vitamin d and calcium are also very important. It you live in wisconsin, you may be getting very little exposure to sunlight this time of year which could impact your vitamin d levels. I suggest that you speak with your doctor about your symptoms to determine the cause. I would not start any new supplments without speaking with your health care provider because of the possibility of interactions with herbals and medications and because of the potential for side effects. Your question was a very good one. Stay well.

Answered 10/3/2016



Lots of options: Black cohosh, evening primrose oil, dong quai, gingko biloba, korean, siberian or panax ginseng, hops, red clover, soybeans, st. Jon's wort, vit e have all been prescribed for various menopause symtoms with varying results. Often you can find 'menopause' supplements containg combinations for the above.

Answered 10/4/2016



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