You can't: There is no way for an individual to know the difference between radiation cystitis and bladder cancer. Both can cause the same symptoms. Therefore, a cystoscopy and possibly imaging studies will be required to make the definitive diagnosis. Once an appropriate evaluation has been performed, a clear cause should be identified.
Answered 11/21/2011
Cystoscopy: The answer is simple enough. The first thing to do if you're concerned is have your urologist take a look.
Answered 1/21/2012
Cystoscopy + biopsy: Urine can be sent for cytology to see if there are any cancer cells present. More definitive is by cystoscopy and biopsy of any suspicious lesions in he bladder.
Answered 2/25/2012
Radiation cystits: Radiation cystitis is seen in patients whose bladder has been partially treated(ie the bladder has to have been in the field) it can cause bleeding and less commonly pain. Cancer spreading to the bladder from the prostate? Would be by direct extension and would be very painful. Your urologist would have to do a cysto to look and see if there was any tumor and than perform a biopsy.
Answered 8/5/2015
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