A member asked:

Will children with turner syndrome, if not treated with growth hormones jabs, still grow tall naturally?

10 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Unlikely : One of the primary effects of xo turners leads to "streak gonads" or ovaries that will not produce hormones in a quantity that allows development of secondary sex changes, including breast development. Most turners will top out at 4'10-5' with "jabs" and may not get there without. If the form is mosaic (xo/xx) or other varient they may make some hormone but that is usually evident early.

Answered 7/20/2012



No: Girls with tuener syndrome have poor growth and HGH treatment has shown an impressive improvement in growth.

Answered 1/12/2015


Dr. Moinuddin Mokhashi answered

Specializes in Pediatric Endocrinology

Very unlikely: There are separate growth charts for untreated girls with turner's. The charts clearly show shorter final adultheight compared to regular charts. In fact, every short girl with no other signs/symptoms of turner's, should be evaluated to rule out turner's.

Answered 7/25/2012



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