A member asked:

Pregnant 10 weeks and ultrasound measuring almost eight weeks hcg level is 9000 could not hear heart beat....help me understan so scared that im misscarrying im not bleeding nor cramping

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

I : I am so sorry you were not given a proper explanation by your doctor. My advice is to contact the doctor's office right away and get answers until you understand everything completely. The reason i say this is because there are many other factors here that I have no way of knowing and i want you to get the right information. Soley based on what you stated in your post, it sounds like the pregnancy is not progressing. An HCG level of 9, 000 is extremely low and likely indicates the pregnancy is not viable thus no heart beat. Often times in this situation bleeding and cramping do not start right away. If you do not naturally miscarry then your doctor may do a procedure called d&c. Please see/call your doctor right away for follow up. Take care.

Answered 10/3/2016



See your ob: At a level of 9000, most often a heartbeat will be seen on ultrasound. Call your OB for an appt for a follow-up hormone level and ultrasound to see what's going on. Take care.

Answered 10/12/2016



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