Ask : Ask your father to authorize you to speak to his primary doctor. Call and set up a time when the doctor is available to speak to you. Express your concerns and have discrepancies cleared up. If you are not satisfied with the information you obtain from this phone interview and you feel your father's care is inadequate, you should urge your dad to seek a second opinion, is there someone that lives in the same area as your father that can possibly assist in his care? If not you need to consider the future. Your parents are getting older and will likely have more health concerns. Someone in the family will eventually need to help care for them, i suggest you set up a family meeting and come up with a plan for the future. Best of luck.
Answered 10/3/2016
Dark: The darkness you refer to may be hemosiderin deposits from blood extravasating or leaking from vericose veins. You may perceive this as a problem when it is not. You can always seek a second opinion as my thoughts are based solely on what is in your question. But also - as stated - ask permission to speak with his family doc.
Answered 12/10/2013
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