You : You have two good options here; the first is to try soy milk, if he likes it you can continue with the soy, and eventually you could try half soy and half regular; that's what i did for my baby from about 12 months to 16 months, then i transitioned her to regular milk. The second option is to switch to a toddler formula which is designed for babies one year and up. It comes in regular (milk based) and soy formulation, and can be bought wherever regular formula is sold. Lastly, adding chocolate syrup to milk is not a good idea because he will always want his milk this way, and that is not good for him from a nutritonal standpoint. Good luck.
Answered 10/3/2016
Push thru: Formula and milk issues usually resolve by 12 months. Baby likely just needs to adjust to the taste. If there is no diarrhea, there is no lactose intolerance. Push other good fats in the meantime such as avocado and olive oil
Answered 1/7/2019
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