A member asked:

Could a fleet enema (sodium bisphosphate) give you diarrhea?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Temporarily: A fleets enema causes the colon to evacuate. Most often this simply results in evacuation of the solid stool within the distal colon, but it may cause the more liquid stool from the more proximal colon to reach the rectum "ahead of schedule" resulting briefly in diarrhea. This should clear fairly rapidly and not cause any persistent problems.

Answered 4/26/2019


Dr. Robert Cloud answered

Specializes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Fleets enema: Absolutely. It is a saline laxative and draws water into the colon and causes diarrhea. Its effects are limited and should only provide a transient diarrhea.

Answered 7/31/2018



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What is in a fleet enema (sodium bisphosphate) that makes it work so well?

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