Plastic Surgeon: A plastic surgeon, certified by the american board of plastic surgery. The american society of plastic surgeons offers excellent resources for individuals interested in breast reconstrucive surgery.
Answered 4/7/2015
Plastic surgeon: Breast reconstruction is performed by plastic surgeons. If you are considering breast reconstruction surgery please consult with a board certified plastic surgeon, preferably one who performs a lot of breast reconstruction and is therefore very experienced in these procedures.
Answered 9/28/2016
Plastic Surgeon: A board certified plastic surgeon with experience in microsurgery is advantageous as they can offer the most advanced forms of reconstruction using your own tissues- giving natural reconstruction while improving contour of the donor site (usually abdomen). Microsurgery (diep flaps) can also save your abdominal muscles vas opposed to the traditional tram flap.
Answered 11/27/2017
Breast Cancer: For breast reconstruction you would prefer to hear of all available options which include: immediate reconstruction with fat grafting to pectoral is and subsequent fat grating with the use of brava, single or two stage implant reconstruction and then flap reconstruction like the diep flap. You of course can have combinations of any of these procedures depending on your needs. Good luck!
Answered 6/20/2015
Plastic surgeon: Best to have a board certified plastic surgeon do your breast reconstruction.
Answered 4/7/2015
Board certified: Plastic surgeon with micro surgery experience....This allows you full range of options.
Answered 9/9/2013
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