A member asked:

I have been dxd with subclinical hypo thyroidism. i am very tired.. how is this treated?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Same as: Clinical hypothyroidism. With synthroid (thyroxine) but instead of titrating your dose based on symptoms and TSH & ft4 level we would just monitor symptoms.

Answered 6/10/2014



Not subclinical now: Subclinical means not clinical which means you are not having symptoms from the hypothyroidism, but you do have symptoms (tired). Thus, this is not subclincal. If you have the lab result to support hypothyroidism, along with your being tired, treating it is a reasonable course of action. Thyroid hormone replacement is quite easy and with correct dosing, side effect is rare. Consult doc. Good luck.

Answered 2/1/2015



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