A member asked:

Will my handwriting change after having hand surgery?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not typically.: As long as you can feel and grip, your ability to write should not change. If you have significant weakness after surgery, you may notice some temporary changes in your writting. These usually resolve as you recover from surgery. Occupational therapy may be needed after surgery.

Answered 7/7/2015


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Sometimes: Transient changes are possible. However what most of us do not realize is that handwriting ansd other learned behaviors like it are not just fine motor tasks dopendent upon fingers but depend a lot on arm and forearm movements. Thus you could tape a smooth wrting marker to your wrsit and youd be suprised how simialr your handwritng is. Writing aids such as grips etc help.

Answered 1/1/2023



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