Ask health dept: Rules on medical consent for minors vary from state to state and the condition in question. The health department in your state likely can provide information.
Answered 10/25/2016
Yes: It is permitted for a minor to have an elective and cosmetic surgery with parental consent. It happen frequently with rhinoplasty and rarely with other cosmetic procedures such as liposuction. It is important to make sure both the parents and the child know that this is procedure is for minor body sculpting of an area that failed to respond to diet an exercise.
Answered 6/17/2019
Absolutely: It is not uncommon for a young woman who has been menstruating for a few years and who is fully developed to desire liposuction. Genetic deposits of fat will not change as the person gets older and they might as well be removed permanently when the person is young and the skin tone is the best. If your parents agree with what it is that is bothering you, then go ahead and start with a consultation.
Answered 2/18/2020
Yes : Patients under the age of 18 may undergo elective surgery with parenteral consent. Liposuction is indicated for patients who present with isolated areas of diet and exercise resistant adipose tissue. Young patients usually have excellent skin elasticity and do well with the procedure from this stand point. Best wishes.
Answered 12/12/2018
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