A member asked:

What are some of the things i can take time and do for myself as a hard working busy mom?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Do more for yourself: Place yourself at the top of the "needs attention" list instead of at the bottom. Schedule fun exercise or yoga etc. Do relaxing meditation for short periods daily. Discuss openly with your loved ones that you need time for yourself and it is important for them for you to have increased happiness. Rejuvinate your sexuality and have more fun with your husband.

Answered 12/10/2014


Dr. Jeffrey Bassman answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Focus on yourself: Exercise, Yoga, stretching, good nutrition, etc. are rewards to yourself to promote immune boosting and lower stress. You deserve it. Help yourself first, so you are more effective in

Answered 12/10/2014



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