A member asked:

What's tendon hand surgery necessary for?

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Restore function: If you cut or rupture a tendon you will lose the ability to either extend or flex a joint. Repair is necessary to restore the function. In the hand, each tendon has a specific function. More information is needed for a precise explanation.

Answered 1/13/2022


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Repair, transfer, : Lengthen, shorten all are things that surgeons do to tendons. The first repair is associated with an injury. The others transfer?Lengthen/shorten are for late care of a tendon or nerve injury or neurological problem. Surgeons can rearrange tendons to help or make up for a deficient function of the hand as well as repair injured tendons. Tho it is not ambrose pare ( see picture) saw it.

Answered 1/3/2019


Dr. Ajay Balaram answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Regain function: Tendons connect muscle to bone. Often tendons are cut or injured after an accident. Tendon surgery is required to repair them. There are tendons on the front and back of your hand and a specialized surgeon is needed to repair them correctly. A strict rehab protocol is needed after surgery. Sometimes tendons can also be transferred to new muscles after nerve damage.

Answered 1/1/2019



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