A member asked:

My husband has elevated liver enzymes and an enlarged spleen. he was bitten by a tick about 4 yrs ago and was treated for lyme disease with a zpack.?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Randy Baker answered

Specializes in Holistic Medicine

Needs evaluation: Not all tick bites cause lyme, but if he got lyme a z-pak is not adequate treatment so he likely has chronic lyme. Ticks can also transmit babesia, bartonella, rickettsia & other serious infections. These might be causing his problems & his problems might be unrelated to the bite. He needs a thorough medical evaluation including a doc knowledgeable about lyme & co-infections. See www.Ilads.Org.

Answered 1/8/2020



Not likely Lyme: Although a 5 day course of Azithromycin is not adequate therapy for lyme borreliosis, elevated liver enzymes and splenomegaly are not likely due to this infection and arizona, if that is where the bite occurred, is not lyme country. Your doctor should look elsewhere and the tick bite is likely a "red herring". Let us know what happens.

Answered 8/20/2016



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