Maybe but it depends: Your hair can stop growing due to major stress. Typically we think of child birth and hospitalizations but extreme anemia can do this too. Assuming your thyroid is normal and your blood count recovers after your operation, then we would expect your hair to return to normal. But expect several months to go by before you see a full head of hair again.
Answered 10/7/2012
Possibly: Once anemia corrected, the hair will regrow. This can be corrected without surgery. Medical therapy (exs. tranexamic acid, birth control pill) usu. first line along with oral iron. If that is not adequate, you may consider uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). Unlike myomectomy: UFE is non-surgical, outpatient, treats all fibroids (not some) lower recurrence rate, safer, shorter recovery.
Answered 8/25/2015
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