A member asked:

I have r lower leg swelling for about 6 months dvt u/s neg xrays , knee hip and foot neg. i had a chest xray fatty deposits around heart ?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Venous insuficiency: The most common cause of lower leg swelling is incompetent valves in the veins. Does the swelling reduce with elevation? Does it reduce over night. Other causes of swelling relate to the heart , liver, kidneys. If it is the veins then surgical stockings can be ordered. Ace bandaging is another method of preventing swelling. Some patients need diuretics. There are homeopathic treatments.

Answered 1/9/2018



Possible lymphedema: This may be due to lymphedema with the heart deposits that will cause swelling to the area. This may also be due to some other form of vascular compromise to your right lower extermity, not a dvt. Your vascular surgeon should be able to ascertain why the swelling persists.

Answered 4/9/2018



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