A member asked:

Is it normal to have a 12mm follicle on day 10, but still not ovulate until day 19. took 250mg of clomid (clomiphene) this cycle as well.?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

250 mg???????: Are you sure you mean five pills of clomid (clomiphene)? It's highly unsusual to require that dose - what is your uterine lining thickness on ultrasound right before ovulation? What is your peak Progesterone level one week after ovulation? Do you not ovulate on "normal" doses of clomid (clomiphene)? The higher the dose goes, the later in one's menstrual cycle ovulation can occur, so day 19 is fair game. Seeing an re?

Answered 6/30/2014


Dr. Khurram Rehman answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

50mg a day x 5 days?: I am guessing you took 50 mg a day x 5 days not 250 mg a day? Ovulating on day 19 is a little later than average but can still result in pregnancy. Increasing your dose to 100 mg a day for 5 days next cycle is a possibility - your dr will look at the number of follicles you made and the thickness of the endometrium (lining of your uterus). Discuss intrauterine inseminations (iui) with your md too.

Answered 1/20/2017



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