A member asked:

Dry nose. have hard scabs in nose that bleed sometimes. hurts to blow nose. live in colorado very dry climate. how can i soften nose to prevent?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. George Valdez answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Ointment: Use plain vaseline, carefully apply with cotton swab (q-tip) to hold moisture. If getting inflammed can use antibiotic (like neosporin) ointment, see your doctor if getting worse.

Answered 11/19/2017



Sometimes impetigo: Sometimes scabs in the nose may just be from dryness, but other times, they may become secondarily infected. If vaseline or neosporin don't work, there is a chance it could be an impetigo infection. In such which case you would need to have an appointment for evaluation and a possible a prescription for something like mupirocin (an antibiotic) ointment.

Answered 7/24/2019



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