Depends : It depends on where they are and if you have any other issues like lose skin, for example after weight loss or a child. If your stretch marks are along the lower belly and you're a candidate for a tummy tuck, a tummy tuck will remove them. On places like your back, thighs, etc where skin excisions may not be indicated, not much you can do about them.
Answered 3/21/2015
You can't: A stretch mark is a scar from a tear in the skin from below, usually from stretching too much too fast. There are a lot of creams and potions that claim to improve them but none of them are very effective. Lasers have shown promise but not there yet. The only area with a reasonable solution is the lower abdomen where the skin with stretch marks can be removed with a tummy tuck.
Answered 12/9/2013
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