A member asked:

How long does swelling last following hand surgery?

7 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Varies: If, by swelling you mean an increase in size of a finger, palm, etc - this usually disappears within one month. Keeping your hand elevated will minimize the swelling. However, after hand surgery, months of therapy might be necessary to recuperate motion, etc.

Answered 7/15/2017



Depends on surgery..: The swelling will depend on the extent of surgery, initial trauma, and subsequent wound care (elevation, mobilization, etc).

Answered 9/29/2020


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Variable: While it is dependent upon who you are, what the surgery is, what the extent of injury was and other factors such as health and related issues, swelling at the time of surgery reaches maximun at about 48-72 hours after surgery typically. This is why the first few days are very important for ice and elevation and that if allowed (read that (allowed) early motion may help diminish swelling.

Answered 11/29/2016


Dr. Christopher Khorsandi answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

6-12 Weeks: Typically all residual swelling will be gone by 3 months however some patients such as diabetics and smokers tend to have swelling longer.

Answered 6/6/2018



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