A member asked:

I used an antibacterial black soap on my face to get rid of acne and my skin didn't react to well to it. two days later my skin started to peel off.then im getting these facial scabs that really burn.im using aloe vera right now but it dosent seem to work

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Steroid: You probably need a topical steroid that your dermatologist can prescribe to you.

Answered 5/20/2015


Dr. Carla Enriquez answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

1st/2nd degree burn : You describe a first or deep first or superficial second degree burn from using the soap. Just like a sun burn it takes time to heal. Usually 7-10 days if not infected. Keep the area clean, try not to touch it, wash your hands frequently, and let your skin heal. Topical antibiotics like neosporin or bactroban (mupirocin) aid in the healing without promoting infection.

Answered 4/24/2019



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