A member asked:

What is frozen knee? i had 2 knee surgerys in 3 weeks...first a total knee...then removal of blood clots i & e.g. knee flexion at 19 degrees?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

A stiff knee postop: After a tka, healing (scarring) starts. Some people due to the post op pain or swelling dont bend well in the beginning. If you struggle with pain or swelling postop, you can become stiff and have limited flexion. Many people have significant blood in their knee postop. Most resolve on their own. Some require open evacuation of the blood. Ice knee a lot, elevate, wear compression stocking.

Answered 9/20/2018


Dr. John Michalski answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Frozen knee TKA: Frozen knee implies tight scar or surrounding capsular/muscular contracture that limits tka motion.

Answered 10/14/2012



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