TMJ: Try to let your tongue fall "relaxed" to the floor of your mouth between your lower teeth. Don't have your tongue pressing hard against the roof ( palate) of the mouth.
Answered 11/8/2014
Not normal position: At postural rest normal tongue position is on floor of mouth. If you need to put tongue between teeth, it's your bodies way of telling you there is something wrong with your occlusion causing or contributing to your TMJ symptoms. See an orthodontist for occlusal evaluation. Most of the time (90%) when malocclusion corrected, TMJ symptoms diminish or disappear.
Answered 6/10/2014
No: No. Rest position resting in floor of mouth.
Answered 3/21/2015
8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
8 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
6 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
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