Yes: Other than surgical excision, you can reduce the redness of a pterygium by keeping the eye well lubricated and avoiding environmental factors that may dry the eye such as fans ( especially while sleeping). There are also otc eye drops that can help moisten the eye as well as prescription anti-inflammatory drops that can reduce the swelling and redness of a pterygium.
Answered 2/1/2014
Pterygium: Anti-inflammatory, vasocontrictor, and lubricating eye drops can be of benefit. If no improvement, it can be removed surgically. I would see an eye doctor for further evaluation and treatment.
Answered 9/7/2012
Pterygium sx: Prevention is key remedy. Avoid sun (sunglasses, hat); avoid smoking. Naphcon-A®, Naphcon Forte® help temporarily; Natural rx info: see; Other ways to help decrease symptoms: cold artificial tears, nsaid drops, low dose or hi dose steroids (though risk of glaucoma, cataract); surgery is only real way to remove/cure: though 5-15% risk of recurrence. Best of luck.
Answered 8/5/2014
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