Find the cause: Wearing dentures usually doesn't cause the gag reflex to trigger. It is possible that your upper denture may be too long or too thick. If your denture is ok then you may have to get used to them. If your gag reflex is just too strong another option may be to have 4 to 6 implants placed to hold the denture in place so that the part of the denture that covers the roof of your mouth can be removed.
Answered 7/20/2012
Too long: The denture may be too long in the back.
Answered 7/20/2012
SEE SPECIALIST: See the prosthodontist for an evaluation. Dentures are and should always be customized for excellence of fit and force distribution across the most teeth during function. The fit and bite may need work to maximize the comfort and function. Good luck.
Answered 10/1/2013
Wearing them: Wear your dentures and make sure they fit properly and are not too long.
Answered 12/4/2013
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