A member asked:

How do you change from a hmo health plan back to straight medicare?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jeffrey Sider answered

Specializes in Sports Medicine

Good idea: There are certain times of the year of the year that these changes can be made unfortunately many patients are swayed to sign up for these hmo plans in hope of lower rates. In reality, you will have a much more difficult time getting your treatment such as mri's , physical therapy etc done with these plan if you can stay with straight medicare with the aarp supplement.

Answered 8/25/2020


Dr. Mohsin Jaffer answered

Specializes in General Practice

HMO: There are benefits to joining a medicare hmo. Seniors benefit from these plans the most. Take care in choosing the plan that best fits you!

Answered 4/24/2015



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