Oral white thrush: A candida fungal infection can manifest in multiple ways, depending on where in the body the infection is. You can have oral "thrush", which is a white plaque that does not go away on your tongue or the back of your throat, that can be painful. Another common presentation is a white thick vaginal discharge with itchiness.
Answered 10/31/2017
Depends: It depends what you mean by overgrowth and where. Candida overgrowth in the mouth presents as a whitish plaque on the toungue and inside hte mouth--thrush. Candida overgrowth in the GU area presents as a beefy red itchy rash. The same can occur in the inner thihs in men--jock itch. Overgrowth inside the body does not usually cause symptoms except in immunocompromised individuals.
Answered 5/12/2014
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