A member asked:

How can i remedy my baby's gas?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Find cause: Many babies have gas...Especially in the evening. If the gas is a lot and the baby is fussy, i like to address diet. Other things that can help with gas include gripe water, a product called cocyntal at the health food store, and for some just probiotics. Sometimes pumping the legs gently like a bicycle will help the baby release gas. Massaging clockwise around the belly button helps move gas.

Answered 12/27/2014



Flatus: By burping more frequently, although this isn't going to help too much. The gas comes from the foods you are feeding, such as lots of green veggies. Gas isn't a bad thing other than the smell. Baby could also be swallowing too much air with feeds.

Answered 9/2/2013



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