A member asked:

What are the endocrine glands for?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Great question!: Endocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands, among many others) produce hormones. A hormone is a molecule which is released into the blood to travel to other cells. When the hormone meets a receptor molecule in these other cells, the hormone can change the activity of that cell. For example, Insulin is a hormone which promotes the uptake of glucose in other cells in the body.

Answered 6/25/2014



Endocrine glands make chemicals we call hormones which have a wide range of effect in the body : Endocrine glands are these so-called ductless gland system in the body which secrete chemicals we call hormones. Hormones are produced in one place and travel to another place in the body to create a physiological effect. The body makes many different kinds of hormones which effect growth, sexual development and maturation, and maintenance of normal metabolic functions in the body.

Answered 7/22/2017



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