A member asked:

How can a person with a deviated septum improve breathing with nose job?

14 doctors weighed in across 6 answers

Possibly!: Part of a "nose job"(rhinoplasty) will often include correction of the septal deviation. The procedures are not necessarily performed separately. The person interested in the processs would need to be evaluated to determine whether the deviated septum is the cause of breathing problems.

Answered 11/3/2014


Dr. Bryan McIntosh answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Septal Surgery: If breathing is impaired due to septal deviation, surgery can repair the position of the septum back to the midline. This should improve air flow on the side to which the septum deviated.

Answered 11/3/2014



Straightening it: The deviated septum is straightened to improve breathing during rhinoplasty.

Answered 7/7/2012



Right Surgeon: Rhinoplasty (nose job) surgery can actually worsen breathing through the nose - even if it is pretty good to start with. If you have nasal breathing issues and you want to improve the appearance of your nose it is a great opportunity to address both issues at the same time. Make sure your surgeon is experienced with both functional and cosmetic nasal surgery.

Answered 11/3/2014



Septorhinoplasty: A septorhinoplasty is a procedure to alter the internal anatomy and external anatomy of the nose for functional and cosmetic reasons. It is a long process because it takes at least a year to heal. The first week is a little uncomfortable because of bruising and swelling and a cast and internal splints. Most people are sociable the second week.

Answered 11/4/2014



Septoplasty: a nose job is usually called a rhinoplasty and a corrective surgery on the septum is commonly referred to as a septoplasty. Correction of a deviated septum can be accomplished with a variety of different procedures that vary on the severity. If the septum is deviated to one side, it can obstruct airflow on that side months nose and be associated with sinusitis. Surgery may help open the airway.

Answered 11/3/2014



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