A member asked:

Which symptoms are associated with atrial fibrillation and flutter?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Mark Rasak answered

Specializes in Cardiology

Palpatations common: Afib can cuase a variety of symptoms. Palpatations or the feeling of the heart racing is common . Pts may notice this at rest or with exercise. Shortness of breathe also. If heart rate really fast may get dizzy. In extreme cases can get heart failure. Pts without adequate blood thinning can have a stroke with afib also.

Answered 12/12/2019



It Varies: Palpitations, shortness of breath, lightheadedness are all common symptoms with either atrial fibrillation or flutter. Other symptoms may be fatigue, fast or irregular pulse, leg swelling, syncope or chest pain.

Answered 12/12/2019



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