A member asked:

I am 16 i used to weight about 175 after6 months of diet i currently weight 142 but ive lost lots of my hair if i go to the doctor what would they do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Off With Your Head!!: People who were starved in concentration camps lost their hair too. Marie Antoinette's hair turned grey almost overnight and started falling-out but her head quickly caught-up with her. So I'd guess you've done really well on the calorie restriction but not so good on the nutrition side. If I'm wrong then more is going on and what your doctor will do depends on what you did.

Answered 2/13/2015


Dr. Stuart Hickerson answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Hair loss: Could be do to weight loss, but a thyroid problem would explain the hair loss to.

Answered 2/12/2015



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