A member asked:

Severe aniexty heart racing breathless chest pain constant hospital trips don't believe i'm ok in state all time gp won't help unspecified t wave abnormality on ecg plz help?

9 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Richard Zimon answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Sounds: Like you have a large dose of ANXIETY going on! Suggest you speak about THAT with your GP and ask for a referral to a mental Health Professional for some help with this which is TREATABLE and usually with SIMPLE measures/medications Good luck I hope this helps! Dr Z

Answered 4/24/2016



There are 33: symptoms of anxiety and you seem to have the most common and biggest ones. Do you have a psychiatrist? They do better with these Sx's than GP's. A cardiologist is indicated for EKG abnormalities. If anxiety alone is responsible for all this, then you need a psychologist. Here's a start: http://www.psychologyproductsandservices.com/page2.html

Answered 4/24/2016



Therapy?: Have you yet tried any form of psychotherapy? Typically, the optimal combination of things to treat emotional issues such as anxiety or depression is medication (which, on your best day, is supposed to take the edge off symptoms) but the real gruntwork takes place in psychotherapist's consulting room.

Answered 5/6/2018



Focus on the anxiety: agree with the other doctors in their assessment. Address underlying anxiety. From your perspective it begins with a healthy diet aimed at improving brain neurotransmitter function: b vitamin rich foods, omega 3 fats, folate (folic acid) rich foods, eliminate all food coloring and minimize processed foods. Daily nuts and seeds, regular fish, daily greens, exercise and meditation and psychotherapy for 6months

Answered 7/1/2016



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