Airway vibrations: Snoring is caused by vibrations of the upper airway tissues in the back of the nose and throat. Simple snoring occurs in absence of sleep apnea. Screening for sleep apnea is important. Enlarged adenoid/tonsils and septal deviation are other causes. Treating sleep apnea can improve snoring. Alcohol and sedative medications can worsen. Treatment includes nasal steroids, dental appliances and surgery
Answered 1/9/2015
R/O OSA: OSA can be suggested by history and physical. Excess snoring/daytime sleepiness/apneic episodes/ aM headaches. And the Exam obesity/small oral airway/collar size>18. The definitive test is a PSG with split night/CPAP titration. I would request copy of sleep study and get a second opinion if you are not satisfied with the options. You are young CPAP can be difficult to tolerate. ENT FOR UPP EVA
Answered 9/26/2016
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2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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