A member asked:

25 year old 9 year smoker quit 2 mnths ago, wake up tasting blood, spit blood, 3 e.r. visits, no xrays,lungs sound clear, lung cancer? gums bleed easy

11 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Doubtful: Got your last reply-Thanks. As stated, would be very unlikely it's lung cancer, but if you are indeed spitting blood,it's most likely from the gum issue. It would not be unreasonable to get a C-Xray with your smoking history, more to calm your anxiety. But as stated, best thing you ever did was STOP smoking!

Answered 11/22/2016


Dr. Oscar Novick answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Blood: The blood you are tasting iscoming from your gums.Smoking can cause poor dental hygiene. You may bave gingivitis. See your dentist for help

Answered 11/22/2016


Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

First Things First: Congrats on quitting. You need to get all of your health issues addressed. Start with your teeth and gums. The smoking wreaks havoc on the soft tissues, and i'm sure you've got gingivitis, if not periodontitis. Let a local dentist examine you and advise you of what you need to do to get your oral health back. All the best...

Answered 11/22/2016


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Gingivitis: Bleeding gums are worth paying attention to; they might be a sign of gum disease or gum infection. See your dentist for evaluation and treatment. Quitting smoking, it's one of the best things you can do for your health. Keep up a good job!

Answered 11/22/2016



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