A member asked:

In stress the need for bcomplex is higher than rda - but how much? by 50,70, 200 or more?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Don't get your: medical information from friends, tv or internet scams. Eat a healthy diet and you'll get more than enough vitamins. If you're concerned, try the cheapest generic once/day vitamin you can buy.

Answered 1/25/2015


Dr. Stephen Southard answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Increased needs: Under stress a human body is often more physiologic active and requires more calories/nutrients. But from the perspective of specific micronutrients like B vitamins, I don't know there there is any data to suggest how much more and if your really need to supplement extra to any significant degree beyond even a comprehensive multivitamin. Good luck.

Answered 1/25/2015



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