Many: There are many screening test for development used by most if not all pediatricians. The denver developmental screening is all about milestones and is often the guide to many of the questions on screening tests. We are constantly looking for any delays every time i see children.
Answered 8/26/2012
Depends on age: The Bayley Scales of Infant Development early on and the Differential Abilities Scales starting at 2 1/2 are two of many standardized tests. If you suspect a delay in a child under 3, you can ask for a referral to an Early Intervention program; 3-5, ask for Child Find through your local school district.
Answered 8/20/2014
Developmental scales: Pediatricians use a variety of developmental scales including the Denver Developmental Test, Early Language Milestone Scales and many others to evaluate development in areas of language, gross and fine motor skills, and areas of personal social skills.
Answered 7/12/2015
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