Yes: "global developmental delay" is a general descriptive diagnosis that encompasses many different conditions. It means there are delays in all aspects of development (motor, social/ emotional, language/ communication, cognitive) and can be mild to severe. The cause is not always apparent, especially at a young age, and often cannot be determined. [continued in next post.].
Answered 5/7/2016
Continued: Autism may be a cause of global developmental delay, but most often involves delays mainly in the language/communication and social/ emotional domains of development. Autism is not always an isolated diagnosis; it may a part of a more generalized condition. The cdc we site has information on development & autism. The autism link is: www.Cdc.Gov/ncbddd/autism/actearly.
Answered 5/7/2016
Yes: A child with intellectual disability can also have autism. The lower the iq, the higher the chance of autistic behaviors.Children with autism can also have intellectual disability. The two categorical diagnoses may be caused by a single underlying neurodevelopmental disorder, so there are standards for medical evaluation that include thorough physical and neurological exams and genetic studies.
Answered 9/11/2019
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