Turbinate hypertroph: Turbinates are the shelves on the sides of the nose Hyper trophy means they are swollen enlarged Usually associated with allergy infection If you are not having symptoms then you can forget about it
Answered 4/22/2015
Nasal turbinate: Hypertrophy means enlarged. Turbibates are responsible for humidification and warming of the inhaled air. Can can become enlarged and reduced or obstruct the nasal passages. It is not serious. You have had sinus surgery before which means you have already had inferior turbinate reduction.
Answered 4/22/2015
Sinus issues?: It sounds like you maybe having sinus issues. Turbinate hypertrophy is swelling of the soft tissue in your sinus passages due to inflammation. The Turbinate are structures in your sinuses made of soft tissue and bone. It is only serious depending on the cause. Swelling can occur with allergies or sinus infection
Answered 4/5/2016
Turbinates: Turbinates can increase in size and sometimes this is a reaction to allergic rhinitis. It is only an issue if you are experiencing nasal obstruction.
Answered 10/23/2017
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