A member asked:

My toddler's friend has chickenpox. they played 2gether 4 days ago b4 chickenpox appeared. my baby developed flu 3days ago, could she catch chickenpox?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Lori Semel answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Varivax: Most children receive the varivax (chicken pox vaccine) at 1 year of age. Wild cases of chickenpox are hardly ever seen these days. Check to see if she had the vaccine.Even if she is not immune, 4 days is a bit long, it is more like 48 hours before the lesions appear that they are contagious.

Answered 10/15/2014



Vaccinated?: Children who are vaccinated according to American Academy of Pediatrics and Center for Disease Control guidelines usually receive the Varivax immunization at their 1 year well visit. If this was administered, the chances of developing chicken pox after exposure is about 8%. Those people who do show symptoms of chicken pox after vaccination usually have a much milder case than those who did not.

Answered 10/14/2014



Unlikely: Chickenpox is contagious for 24-48 hrs before spots appear, but 4 days is a bit too long to consider her exposed. The onset of flu 3 days ago decreases her vulnerability to acquiring chickenpox at the same time if she did not get vaccinated. The incubation period is 10-21 days from exposure so time will tell.

Answered 7/21/2017



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