A member asked:

What do i do if my wisdom tooth isnt loose but is rotting and i tried asking for a doctor but its too far from where i live, what if i make them loose?

4 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Only a dentist!: The lack of formal training, education or experience in dentistry may cause complications that are much worse than a tooth problem. If you have a dental problem, call a dentist for a dental care.

Answered 8/21/2017


Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Make arrangements: You'll have to figure out a way to see the dentist since extraction of wisdom teeth has never been and will never be a do it yourself project.

Answered 8/21/2017



Rotting tooth: A rotting tooth is an infected tooth. Infection will spread, damaging other organ systems, causing severe consequences. A doctor (physician) does not have the training, experience, equipment to treat you. Another doctor (Dentist), preferably a specialist Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon must be seen immediately to properly treat your infection. Please make arrangements, now.

Answered 8/21/2017



See below: See a dentist or oral surgeon of your choice to address all four third molars if possible. Obamacare still has some coverage for dental treatment if needed.

Answered 8/21/2017



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