A member asked:

Chest pressure from the morning now it's night... before sleeping yesterday my heart rate was 50bpm i was concern so now all day chest pressure why?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Shashank Jain answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Not good: depending upon what your past medical history is, A chest pressure like this can be a sign off the heart attack. If your pressure gets worse with exercise and goes away with the rest and if you think your Heartrate being low in the 50s is unusual, you've got to go to an ER or urgent care right now.

Answered 9/29/2016


Dr. Cynthia Archer answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Emergency care time: Even young men can have heart problems. What is your heart rate now? Is it less than 60? Are you still having chest pain? Are you light headed and very tired? You may have a problem with your heart that is causing it to beat too slow and that can cause the heart muscle to be oxygen deprived. That means you are having a version of a heart attack. Short of breath+CP+low HR = Doctor NOW. Emergency.

Answered 2/11/2017


Dr. Jalal Zuberi answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Anxiety control: A heart of 50 will be regarded with envy by many if you are athletic. Otherwise, it is called brady cardia meaning slower heart rate for which you should get a basic work up with your doctor including an EKG, for any heart rhythm problem and a chest Xray for any other cause for chest tightening. Some medicines can cause this symptom also when you feel like an asthmatic, needing an inhaler.

Answered 2/15/2015



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