A member asked:

Since march, i have pain in the left side of my neck..not all the time ..but.sometimes the pain moves to the back of my head too..what you think?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Muscle spasm: This sounds like muscle spasm of the supporting neck muscles,actually quite common. I suggest using Advil or Aleve (naproxen) , if not allergic and also BioFreeze cram or gel.

Answered 9/26/2014


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Local Myalgia: Local myalgia includes muscle co-contraction and muscle soreness. Good rest, moist heat, passive muscle stretching and OTC NSAIDs will solve the problem. If pain persists after 2 weeks see your doctor for examination and tests.

Answered 9/26/2014



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