A member asked:

I was in the er today for left arm and chest pain. the ekg was fine. they said it was shoulder impingement. would you feel pain in your armpit as?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Not cardiac: What the ER did was determine that's it's not your heart. The shoulder impingement assessment is offered as their best educated guess. Understand: from your perspective, you want the ER to tell you precisely what's wrong. From the ER's view, they simply want to rule out life threatening problems.

Answered 10/1/2017


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Nerve impingement: can be caused by being sandwiched between two spinal bones, pressed by a bulging disc. It can cause muscle spasm and back pain. This condition must be professionally managed. See interventional pain management specialist for definitive diagnosis and management.

Answered 9/17/2014



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