Pretty soon: If you're talking about serum folate you can recheck in just a week as it reflects recent intake quite well. Red blood cell folate shows the body's stores better, so you might want to wait a month or so to test that. Those will low folate are often among the many who can't readily convert folic acid to folate so it's best to supplement with the L-5-MTHF form. Also see
Answered 5/23/2018
Please do what your: doc says, but micronutrients like folic acid usually take 4-6 months to replete. Methylated folic acid is more easily absorbed. There is recent research on this. Please check you label for the methylated form. Peace and good health.
Answered 3/16/2015
Folic acid: The turnover is very rapid and your levels, assuming you are taking supplements, should correct rapidly. Conditions that can cause low folate levels include poor diet, pregnancy, alcoholism, liver disease, certain stomach/intestinal problems, and kidney dialysis, among others. You need to find out why you had low folic acid levels.
Answered 9/16/2014
Three months.: Three months should be adequate time to recheck your level.
Answered 4/19/2016
3 to 6 months: As long as you keep taking the supplement as prescribed and eating a healthy diet rich in citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables you should be okay
Answered 12/20/2016
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